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Planet Rider & Helpful Travel Web Sites .....

Harley-Davidson -
At home, on vacation day, one week ...treat yourself to a genuine motorcycling experience with Harley-Davidson authorized Rentals and Tours. Whether on a rental or taking a tour, each includes the use of a Harley-Davidson motorcycle that's been serviced and prepped according to Motor Company standards, plus a Harley-Davidson helmet, rain gear, short-term luggage storage and minimum requirements for insurance. There's a big world out there, waiting to be seen from the seat of a Harley. Leave it to Harley-Davidson Authorized Tour operators to get you there. Tour operators put each rider on a recent mode Harley that's been serviced and maintained according to Motor Company standards. It's all about riding and experiencing great destinations.
Planet Rider Travel Directory -
The best travel sites. This web site is very user friendly.
Smart Traveler -
Smart Travelers ..... are HAPPY Travelers. Click on Motorcycle Rental.

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