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Surf Lingo -

Guide to Surfer Speak -
Learn the lingo.
Roxy Quicksilver -
Roxy is a part of the biggest surfing scene in the world. Back when surfing wasn't as cool as it is today (in other words, before girls started surfing more) mostly guys were the wave shredders. Then a few years ago some cool chicks introduced their new line of surf gear for girls to Quicksilver International, the biggest surf / skate / snow supplier.
Spongers' Lingo -
Shown here is some of the lingo us bodyboarders use sometimes.
Surfin' Slang -
BREAK - A place where waves that have rolled into land as swells come into contact with a shallower seabed and regularly break into surfable waves. "Left-break" & "Right-break" refer to which way the actual point of breaking travels along the face of the wave. EMMIT - A traveling surfer. GROMMIT - A young novice surfer whose commitment to the sport and lifestyle is not necessarily proven yet. HANG FIVE - This oft-repeated term actually relates to a fairly small and specific skill -- placing a foot right on the tip of the surfboard -- which can only be done while riding a longboard. HANG TEN - To hang ten is to get both feet right up front. STOKE - To be excited (as in "I'm stoked" or "it was really stoking"). SURF WINDOW - the wife or girlfriend of a surfer.

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