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View Cities Via Satellite -

Satellite Data provided by The Living Earth. Choose the Satellite - Map - From Sun - From Moon - Night or Day.

Earth Viewer - Cities around the World -
Visit Cities Around the World Via Satellite. Click on the name of a city to show a zoomable image centered on that city. If it's night there, and you'd prefer to see the city by day, click the "No Night" box and press the Update button below the image.

Earth Watch -

Disaster News Network -
Reporting U.S. & outside of the U.S. Disasters. Includes Weather and Disaster Links.
EarthWatch Inc. -
EarthWatch is an imaging and information company offering the Digital Globe database -- the most comprehensive digital model of the Earth available.
News Resource -
A comprehensive set of hundreds of international news links, which allows the users to browse using an interactive map. The NEWS RESOURCE makes it easy to find news by region.

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