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You are here: Home - USA Travel Results - USA - California - Southern California - Balboa


Balboa -
Tales of Balboa Your - Portal To Balboa, California. Many links about Balboa.
Balboa - City of Newport Beach -
The official city of New Port Beach Web site. Many helpful and informative pages.
Balboa - Daveys Locker -
Newport Beach - Daveys Locker - Sportsfishing - Located in the historic Balboa Pavilion (Newport Beach). One of the largest marine recreation centers in Souther California.
Balboa - Fun Zone -
The Balboa Fun Zone is one of Southern California's oldest and last great coastal amusement areas. Located on the Balboa Peninsula of Newport Beach, the Fun Zone continues to compete with Orange County entertainment giants such as, Disneyland and Knott's Berry Farm, as the fun place to go. For a fun date at the beach or a night out on the town, Balboa Peninsula has had something for everyone for many years. Many remember when the beat of the big bands was broadcast live over national radio from Balboa's famous Rendezvous Ballroom.
Balboa Island -
Welcome to Balboa Island...where the cats are fat and lazy, the yachts are shiny and grand, the houses are quaint and enchanting, and the living is creative and carefree. Don't be alarmed if you can't decide whether to go boating, biking, shopping, or lounging. Don't be shocked when you can't choose between mouth watering mandarin, spicy italian, premium prime-rib, or good ol' broiled burgers. And as your fun-filled day comes to a close and you watch the sun gently set in glittering hues of orange and red...don't be surprised...if you decide to stay.

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