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You are here: Home - USA Travel Results - USA - Hawaii - Kahoolawe


Airphotos of Kahoolawe -
As a result of its location in the "rain shadow" of the larger volcano, Kahoolawe is very dry, and shows none of the tropical vegetation that is typical of other Hawaiian islands.
Kahoolawe -
The Nature Conservancy does not own or manage any preserves on the Island of Kahoolawe, but is assisting the Kahoolawe Island Reserve Commission in their ecosystem restoration planning efforts.
Kahoolawe, Hawaii -
Kahoolawe, a single shield volcano, consists of a nearly filled caldera and rift zone that trends to the southwest. Kahoolawe is about 12 miles (20km) across and the smallest of the major Hawaiian Islands.
Kahoolawe Virtual Field Trip -
Virtual Field Trips that have been prepared by students, either at the University or in our local schools.

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