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You are here: Home - USA Travel Results - USA - Hawaii - Oahu - Pearl Harbor


Attack At Pearl Harbor, 1941 -
December 7, 1941 - The surprise was complete. The attacking planes came in two waves; the first hit its target at 7:53 AM, the second at 8:55. By 9:55 it was all over. By 1:00 PM the carriers that launched the planes from 274 miles off the coast of Oahu were heading back to Japan.
Japanese Bomb Pearl Harbor -
Hawaii - Sunday, December 7, 1941 - Sequence of Events.
Pearl Harbor Attack -
The road to war between Japan and the United States began in the 1930's when differences over China drove the two nations apart. In 1931 Japan conquered Manchuria, which until then had been part of China. In 1937 Japan began a long and ultimately unsuccessful campaign to conquer the rest of China. In 1940, the Japanese government allied their country with Nazi Germany in the Axis Alliance, and, in the following year, occupied all of Indochina.
Pearl Harbor Speech -
Franklin D. Roosevelt Speech - December 8, 1941 - To the Congress of the United States. Yesterday, Dec. 7, 1941 - a date which will live in infamy - the United States of America was suddenly and deliberately attacked by naval and air forces of the Empire of Japan.
Road to Pearl Harbor -
The attack on the military forces of the U.S. at Pearl Harbor Hawaii did not just happen nor was it a quick reaction to initiatives instituted by President Roosevelt. The Japanese believed that they were being pushed into a corner by Roosevelt and felt that they must act to protect the Empire.
USS Arizona Memorial -
Pay tribute to fallen Sailors and Marines of the USS Arizona. View a documentary film on WWII. Take a shuttle boat from the Visitor Center to this National Landmark.

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