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You are here: Home - USA Travel Results - USA - Hawaii - Dick & Peggy


....Fort Worth, Texas.
Dick & Peggy -
Aloha, Peggy, my wonderful wife and myself have been visiting Hawaii since 1971. We both love the islands. We visit the Islands as often as we can. Which could be 3 or 4 times per year. Our second love is New Zealand, which we visit every several years. Many of the places that we mentioned on our Hawaiian page are places that we have visited along with comments on some of our experiences. We hope that our web site will be helpful in planning your next trip. We are in the restaurant business in Fort Worth, Texas and enjoy visiting all the restaurants in Hawaii. Our favorite Maui restaurants are: Kimo's, Longhi's, and Mama's Fish House. For breakfast or lunch, we enjoy Picnic's in Paia, or lunch at Cheeseburger in Paradise on Front Street. There are also several very nice restaurants in Whaler's Village with good food and an excellent ocean view. Get there at Sunset and relax a little. Mahalo.

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