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You are here: Home - USA Travel Results - USA - Hawaii - Hawaiian Books and Calendars


Discovering Hawaii -
You'll find easy-to-read detailed maps, eye-popping photos, descriptions and easy-to-follow directions to Hawaii's fabulous secret beaches, hidden waterfalls, deserted islands, and panoramic hiking trails hotel restaurant reviews for Oahu, Maui, Kauai, Molokai, and the Big Island of Hawaii. We can produce custom editions of Driving & Discovering Hawaii books to be used for sale, promotion, and premiums. Special editions can be produced with custom covers and inside pages to suit individual needs. These are absolutely beautiful books.
Hawai'i's Best Beaches -
Courtesy of R.K. Clark and University of Hawai'i' Press. Honolulu ....for the serious beach goer ...the visitor, new residents and locals alike. Hang five. For complete information on Hawaii's Beaches, please purchase Hawaii's Best Beach at Hawaiian book stores and newsstands. Purchase Online. Go to Specific Search and type in Best Beaches. Order a catalog online. These books are very informative and an excellent value. Mahalo.
Maui County Condominium Directory -
Maui County Condominium Directory - Hawaii, Maui, Molokai, Lanai, Lahaina, Kihei. If you plan to buy, invest or vacation in a Maui condominium, get the facts you need and don't wait for someone else to tell you what they want you to know.
Maui No Ka Oi - Hawaii Magazine -
Available at most major bookstores.
Mutual Publishing Company -
Hawai'i's Book Publisher. Great books about Hawaii. Travel Results makes reference to Mutual Publishing and highly recommends that if you are visiting Hawaii for the first time, have visited Hawaii before or live in Hawaii ...that you review the many books available and purchase a book(s) on the subject that you are interested in. This will help you plan your trip and / or enhance your visit when you are on the Islands.
Hawaii Calendar Company -
Hawaiian Calendars since 1978.
Wizard Publications -
Wizard Publications, Inc. is a small Hawaii-based publishing company that specializes in a unique form of guidebook. Most guides are put together by travel writers after a few weeks of visiting the location. They compile notes which are sent back to a publisher on the mainland and a "comprehensive guidebook" is created by staffers that may not have even seen the place they are describing. Guides at Wizard Publications are different. They take years to produce. Authors Andrew Doughty and Harriett Friedman see and do everything described in their books. For instance, their Big Island book, Hawaii The Big Island Revealed took over two years, full time, to compile. Every beach, trail, restaurant, hotel, scenic spot, etc. that they describe is from their direct experience. All are described with their unique blend of humor, candor, and easy reading style with full color on every page. (Black and white photos do an incredible disservice to Hawaii.) The authors live in Hawaii, live the experiences, and live to write about it. At Wizard Publications we do only one thing. Bring you the most thoroughly researched and highly acclaimed guidebooks to the Hawaiian Islands. It is highly recommended that you purchase the book(s). Included with the book is a password that you can use on their Web site. Their Web site is one of the best for the Hawaii Islands. Believe me, it is will worth the money.

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