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You are here: Home - USA Travel Results - USA - South Dakota - National Wildlife Refuge


Karl E. Mundt National Wildlife Refuge -
Located near Pickstown along the Missouri River, this refuge provides critical roosting habitat for bald eagles. Bald eagles begin moving onto the refuge in the fall with peak populations occurring in December and January. In order to protect eagles, the refuge is not open to the public, but observation areas provide ideal viewing. For information call 605.487.7603. Fax 605.487.7604. Click to visit the US Fish & Wildlife Web site.
Lacreek National Wildlife Refuge -
Located in southwestern South Dakota near Martin, this refuge covers 16,000 acres. Various species of waterfowl use the refuge for migrating and nesting. In addition, visitors can view pelicans, pheasant, sharp-tailed grouse, deer and prairie dogs. A flock of trumpeter swans winters at the refuge. For additional information call 605.685.6508. Fax 605.685.1173. Email
Lake Andes National Wildlife Refuge -
This refuge, located northwest of Wagner, boasts a variety of wildlife including waterfowl, pheasant, shore birds and deer. Visitors can hike a nature trail through grassland and lake shore habitat. For more information call 605.487.7603. Fax 605.487.7604. Click to visit the US Fish & Wildlife Web site.
Samuel H. Ordway Jr. Memorial Prairie -
Located northwest of Aberdeen, this 7,600 acre prairie refuge is managed by the Nature Conservancy to preserve prairie habitat. Visitors can view plant species native to the mixed-grass prairie such as big bluestem and western wheat grass. Wildlife such as bison, antelope, sharp-tailed grouse, waterfowl and numerous songbirds, abounds. For information call 605.439.3475. Fax 605.439.3423. Click to visit the Nature Conservancy Web site. Email
San Lake National Wildlife Refuge -
This 21, 451 acre refuge, northeast of Aberdeen, serves as a resting place for migrating waterfowl and provides spring nesting for prairie waterfowl. Visitors can climb the 100 foot observation tower and tour the refuge where they may observe waterfowl, pheasant, deer, red fox, shore birds and songbirds. For information call 605.605.885.6320. Fax 605.885.6401. Email
Waubay National Wildlife Refuge -
Found near Webster, this refuge hosts more than 245 species of birds and is in the heart of the prairie pothole country, which boasts the highest duck production in the United States. Visitors can hike, climb the 100 foot observation tower and see wildlife like waterfowl, deer, red fox, shore birds and songbirds. For more information call 605.947.4521. Fax 605.947.4524. Email

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