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You are here: Home - USA Travel Results - USA - Hawaii - Maui - Whales & Dolphins


General information on Whale, Dolphins and the Ocean's beauty throughout the world.

Gray's Reef National Marine Sanctuary -
Gray's Reef is a submerged hard bottom (limestone) area that, as compared to surrounding areas, contains extensive but discontinuous rock outcropping of moderate (6 to 10 feet) height with sandy, flat-bottomed troughs between. The series of rock ledges and sand expanses has produced a complex habitat of caves, burrows, troughs, and overhangs that provide a solid base for the abundant sessile invertebrates to attach and grow.
National Marine Sanctuaries -
Welcome to the National Marine Sanctuary System's web site. Here you'll find important information about our nation's marine sanctuaries -- how they were established, how they're managed, their scientific and educational programs, and the many exciting events that occur in them throughout the year.
National Marine Sanctuary -
Hawaiian Islands Humpback Whale National Marine Sanctuary.
National Geographic -
National Geographic Online. Come and explore.
National Oceanic and Atmosphieric Administration -
U.S. Department of Commerce.
Pacific Whale Foundation - adventures. Saving whales and our oceans through research, education and conservation.
Public Television Nova -
NOVA Online.
Seacology -
Seacology is the world's premier nonprofit, nongovernmental organization whose sole and unique purpose is to preserve the environments and cultures of islands throughout the globe. From Aitutaki in the South Pacific to Zanzibar off the coast of Africa, from islands in the Arctic Circle to tropical islands of the Caribbean, from the Maldives to Micronesia and from Polynesia to the Pribilofs, Seacology launches projects to help preserve island ecosystems and cultures.
State of Hawaii -
Hawai`i Department of Land and Natural Resources.
Volunteering for the Coast -
A Web site for people with a passion for lakes, rivers, and the ocean, who want to volunteer or coordinate volunteer efforts. By volunteering for the coast, we can all have a hand at making our shores a better place to live and visit.
Wind and Sea -
WIND and SEA. The Oceanic and Atmospheric Sciences Internet Locator.
World Wildlife Fund -
Working together, we can leave our children a living planet.
Whales & Dolphins -
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Whales - Hawaiian Islands Humpback Whales
Hawaiian Islands Humpback Whale National Marine Sanctuary. Located at 726 South Kihei Road, Kihei. Call 800.831.4888 or 808.879.2818. About 1 mile south of the 310 & 311 intersection in Kihei. It is worth the visit.

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